How to fix Discord Javascript Error (Fully Resolved)

Discord is one of the most popular VoIP software, especially among gamers. It provides a sense of community and a platform for instant chatting, voice and video calls, and the development and cultivation of private groups.

Now before we discuss the main issue for this article, we need to understand: What is a Discord JavaScript Error? Investigating the main reason for the annoying JavaScript error, we discovered that it happens in the main application launch process — as in, this error usually shows up while opening the Discord App on your device. The error message always explains itself, however, this can rarely be interpreted by a casual Discord user. Don’t worry! That is the reason we are here to solve this error for you through a step-by-step guide. There are many ways to solve this issue — being a regular Discord user I came across this error many times myself, and this article will cover: How to Fix the Discord JavaScript Error?

To solve this error, we had to dig into the logic of why this issue arises in Discord, so we figured out first: What causes a JavaScript Error? There are a few very similar reasons for this error, which can easily be resolved by the troubleshooting methods we described later within the article. So, we thought to list the main problems which cause a JavaScript error to occur to start off.

The main reasons can be the following:

  • Discord installation files or its normal settings may have gone corrupt – In this situation, the Discord installation is corrupt so either reset Discord to default settings or reinstall the Discord App again.
  • Discord is running with administrator permissions granted – Another problem which is very common, is running discord with administrative permissions. This has been recognized to cause JavaScript problems so to make sure you uncheck the administrator permission for Discord.
  • Windows Service: Audio Video Experience is not running in the background – This Windows Service is essential for the application to function since it’s highly relevant to Discord’s core functionality. Do check if it’s working and is running automatically.

Now that we have discussed all the possible reasons that can cause this error, let’s move to the main crux of this whole discussion — a step-by-step guide and answers for: How to resolve JavaScript Error in Discord?

Listed below are all the solutions we explained, so you can find the best fit for your particular situation (as per your understanding).

  1. Solution 1: Remove Discord files from the Windows folders %AppData% and %LocalAppData%.
  2. Solution 2: Whitelist the Discord app installation files from the installed antivirus software.
  3. Solution 3: Reinstall the Discord app Again.
  4. Solution 4: Turn the Windows audio-video experience service startup type to automatic.
  5. Solution 5: Uncheck the administrator privileges for the Discord app.
  6. Solution 6: Terminate all processes of the Discord app from the task manager.

Solution 1: Remove Discord files from the Windows folders %AppData% and %LocalAppData%

The first solution to the problem is to delete Discord files from the Windows folders %AppData% and %LocalAppData% which should reset the Discord settings to default and probably fix the JavaScript error which is hindering you from using the Discord app. Follow the step-by-step guide below to resolve the error.

Discord Error Fix (3)

1. Firstly, go to the AppData location on your computer by opening the File Explorer and snapping to This PC. The folder directory example is provided, C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Discord

2. If you cannot find this directory the reason is that this folder might be hidden so you may need to switch on the option that allows you to view hidden files and folders.

3. Snap on the View toolbar on the File Explorer menu and check the Hidden items checkbox in the Show/hide segment. Delete all files from the Discord folder in the AppData directory.

4. However, if you see a message asserting that some files couldn’t have been deleted because they are currently in use, try exiting all Discord applications and ending its processes in Windows Task Manager.

5. Now, onto the deletion of files from %localappdata% folder. Use Win + R key combination to launch the Run application then type in %localappdata% and click enter to open the provided directory. Find the Discord folder in the local AppData folder and delete the Discord folder.

6. Verify that the files in folders %AppData% and %LocalAppData% are deleted and that there are no files in them.

7. Restart your PC, open the Discord app to see if the error still appears. Probably, the error won’t appear, and the Discord app will launch.

Solution 2: Whitelist the Discord app installation files from the installed antivirus software

A lot of Antivirus programs target application files that are crucial in the functionality of that software to operate properly. Antivirus programs occasionally target some discord files — particularly the Discord voice application-specific approximate recovery file classifying them as security threats during the Discord app’s launch.

In this circumstance, whitelisting the software from the antivirus software is the most suitable solution. Here we explained the steps to whitelist Discord in the AVAST Antivirus software, but steps should be similar for other antivirus software:

1. Open Avast Antivirus by right-clicking on the Avast icon in the system tray and choosing the open Avast User Interface option from the panel.

2. Navigate to the Protection section and click on the Virus Chest tab.

3. Any quarantined files will show up in the Virus Chest. Here, find any files beginning with discord_ in the virus chest. Click on the three dots option on the right of the quarantined threads list and choose Restore and add the exception option.

4. Do the same step for every file with discord_, and after performing it for all threads in the virus chest, restart the installation process in the end.

5. To make sure that you will not encounter this issue in the future, we recommend that you can also add the Discord executable setup file as an exception in the Avast antivirus software. You can add exceptions by going to settings>general>exceptions and then add exception.

6. For Windows Defender, open the Windows Security from the system tray and choose Protection History below the Scan option, and you can see a list of threads. We can also whitelist the Discord files from there by simply right-clicking and choosing to allow them on the device.

Solution 3: Reinstall the Discord app

As I’m sure you know, restarting your PC is a solution to many computer problems. Reinstalling software is no exception to this rule. Reinstalling software is one of the most relevant and quick fixes for this JavaScript error and has worked for many people. This solution is basic, but it is important to understand every and every step accurately if you want to fix your Discord installation and get it running!

1. As an administrator, open Control Panel and choose “uninstall a program” under the Programs tab.

2. Then locate the Discord icon in Control Panel, right-click on it and click Uninstall.

3. Discord’s uninstall windows will open, assisting you with a preference to “completely remove Discord from your PC” and you should choose yes. Click Finish after the uninstalling ends.

4. Follow “Solution 1: Remove Discord files from the Windows folders %AppData% and %LocalAppData%” after uninstallation.

5. Download the newest version of Discord from the authorized website of Discord, and install the software afterward.

Solution 4: Turn the Windows audio-video experience service startup type to automatic

Stated as one of the main reasons for the JavaScript error, changing the Quality Windows audio-video experience service Startup type from manual to automatic can potentially resolve the Discord error. Follow these steps to solve this issue:

1. Opening the Run utility by pressing the combination of Win+R and type “services.msc” and press enter. Find the audio-video experience service and right-click on the properties.

2. Click the stop option to stop the service, and then click the start option to start it again. You should assure the startup type is set to Automatic.

3. If it is not set to Automatic, then choose from the startup type drop-down menu and select the Automatic option. Press Ok to save any modifications.

Solution 5: Uncheck the administrator privileges for the Discord app

Running the Discord app without administrator permissions is also a potential solution for this error.

1. Find the Discord executable file and by right-clicking choose the properties, navigate to the Compatibility tab, and uncheck Run this program as an administrator option and then click apply.

2. Rest assured that Discord should launch without administrator privileges from now on.

Solution 6: Terminate all processes of the Discord app from the task manager

The last solution we figured out is to end every process from the task manager and to try reinstalling Discord. Follow the following steps:

1. Open the Task Manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and choose Task Manager from the options.

2. Once the task manager is running, locate all the Discord processes, click on them, and right-click and select End Task.

3. Now try a clean installation of Discord and see if the problem is fixed.

If you still can’t get the error to disappear and can’t terminate or end some of the Discord processes, you can try Command Prompt to end those tasks.

  1. In the Windows Search bar and type “cmd”, right-click and run as administrator.
  2. Write the following command “taskkill /f /im discord.exe” and press enter. Now verify if the issue persists.

Closing Thoughts

We’ve tried out best to concisely cover the most popular ways of fixing the Discord JavaScript error that pops up when using or installing Discord. We wrote detailed solutions on How to Fix Discord-related JavaScript Issues.

Follow the step-by-step guide discussed in this article above to solve any discord launching issue quickly.

We tried our best to highlight the various commonly proposed solutions to resolve the JavaScript error messages. We hope you liked this article and find it helpful in solving this pesky problem.

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